Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Open Letter to Socially Responsible Companies - Join ALEC

Corporate Misconduct Needs a Challenger
...and You are It

Corporate Irresponsibility & Greed:  CEO's making 300x an average employee's salary, pollution, labor violations, unfair trade practices, collusion, price fixing, privatizing, union-busting, insider trading, toxins, outsourcing, rate hikes, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, private jets, expense accounts, country clubs, stock options, deferred compensation.   Need I go on?  Oh, right, some are actively engaged in limiting our voting rights too.

But be of good cheer We the People.  They ain't all like that.  There are some good ones out there - really good ones - and we need their help.  You and I can't "join" ALEC - they can.  You and I can't change ALEC's warped agenda - they can.   How about we introduce Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia) to the Koch Brothers and see what happens!  WWE Smack Down CEO Style - my money is on Yvon!

Howard Schultz ala Starbucks may have meant well, but he's misguided.  If he wants our political leaders to get it together he and other CEO's like him have to participate in the "real" arena - on ALEC's home field turf.   Withholding money from "the good guys" will result in a bigger win for the "bad guys."   So, instead of - or in addition to - throwing money at the pols, what to do?

Consider sending a copy of this - or one of your own - to your favorite "good guy" company.  Kashi, Honest Tea, Ben & Jerry's (mmmmm Ben & Jerry's....) your choice.   I wonder if any of them will choose to "swim with the sharks".  Time will tell.

August 2011

Dear Responsible Corporate Citizen,

Thank you for making a difference.  We support the way you choose to operate, grow, and sustain your business.   We select your products and services due in large part to your corporate stewardship, leadership and social responsibility.  We applaud your ability to balance people with profit, to choose responsible energy, materials, and methods.  Your dedication to making a difference by following an atypical corporate path contributes greatly to your outstanding reputation in the marketplace and to your organization’s overall success. 

You have already contributed a great deal to our communities and to our country.   Now, we ask you take a different type of action and share your vision for “doing things differently.” We encourage your organization to become affiliated with ALEC – The American Legislative Exchange Council.

We understand many ALEC Corporate/Private Sector members are unlike your organizations; their agenda is not your agenda.  We understand the ALEC membership fee required could be used differently.  

ALEC encourages business leaders and legislators to come together for their version of the common good. Another voice and vision needs to be at that table.  Your organization has proven that being responsible and being profitable are not mutually exclusive.  Your organization has made a difference. 

Recently, responsible corporate leaders have spoken about excluding themselves and their organizations from political donations.  In theory, this is a laudable position.  In practice, it further damages the playing field for you and your consumers.

We believe for the real common good, ALEC's policies, initiatives, and model legislation must be changed, but we as individuals can do very little.  You and organizations like yours have the potential to change this organization from the inside out.  Please consider taking a seat at the table by joining this organization.  

Our legislators must be exposed to another point of view.  While ALEC in theory advocates "Restoring the Balance" this cannot happen without input from your organization and organizations like yours.  Corporate misconduct needs a challenger – and you are it. 

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