Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Myth of Uncertainty - Corporate America spin at its finest

Go Big or Go Home

On September 6, 1620 the Pilgrims left Plymouth, England to settle in the new world.  In 1909, American explorer Robert Peary sent word he had reached the North Pole.  September 6, 1978 Wickwire and Reichardt became the first Americans to reach the summit of K-2.   When the journey began for each of these groups, there were no guarantees - they took the risk anyway.  The reward was worth it.  

On September 6, 2011 Corporate America, with and through their spokespeople in Congress, tell We the People the current climate is “too uncertain” to grow and “too risky” create jobs.  What a joke.

Great ideas, discoveries, advances, and products are born out of a great leap of faith.  Uncertainty, or risk, is wired into our human and our American DNA.   Our Founders, Lewis and Clark, the 49ers (no, not those 49ers) and the Apollo astronauts believed this in every fiber of their beings.  Fulton, Edison, Ford, Goodyear, Wright and Salk acted upon this.  Inventors, scientists and leaders do not freeze in fear of the unknown - they embrace it.   We teach this theme in our schools.  It is prevalent in literature that stays with us our whole lives. It speaks to our humanity and inspires us. 

Our collective history is rich with examples of individuals and organizations who have taken great risks and reaped great rewards.   MBA students read "case studies" on this truth.  New Employee Orientation in every Fortune 500 Company has their own “creation myth” of how they came to be and how “one man” took on “great risk” to get them to where they are today.  Yes, GE, we are looking right at you.

If this myth of uncertainty has suddenly become true, then tomorrow I expect an AP headline proclaiming Day Traders and Hedge Fund Managers have fled Wall Street to begin organic farms in Vermont – Wall Street being too uncertain.   Wall Street is the poster child of uncertainty and risk – and the rewards are great.    Apparently risk is only worth embracing when it is “certain” that We the People will bail their ass out. 

Corporate America has tipped it hand – its underpants are showing.  Executive Teams have embraced The Jungle as a 21st century “Model Business Plan.”  They have taken innovation hostage and are holding growth at gunpoint until they are allowed to do business as they choose to.   There is no Appeal to Reason.  Perhaps Corporate America has spent too much time in China's Jungle where workers are exploited wage-slaves, the environment poisoned, the social safety net non-existent, the rules are flexible if you have deep pockets, and the currency is manipulated.   Corporate America has a “China Plan” for the US.

The dog-whistle has blown.  The message is clear; this is not about uncertainty and “Risk Management” this is about staying in neutral until all of their demands are met.  Our economy is being held captive by Pirates in Savile Row suits and perky PR persons in Manolo Blahniks.

Corporate America wants none of the risk and all of the reward.  They will not share in the sacrifice; they will “relocate” profits to avoid paying their fair share.  They will offer bonuses, stock options and deferred compensation to the Savile set while simultaneously fighting card check and living wage legislation.  

It is uncertain because some people in Congress and some of our leaders read their play book - and are mounting one hell of a defense.  It is uncertain whether Corporate America is going to win.  They are willing to run the football in the final two minutes to run out the clock.  They will do nothing until after the 2012 election.  I suspect that what happened yesterday in Detroit will result Corporate America launching a Tampa2 Bush v. Gore Defense like nothing we have seen thus far. 

They, and those they have bought and paid for, have been allowed to shift the dialog for over a decade; they own the talking points.  The talking heads in corporate media repeat the talking points.   It does not matter that their assertions do not hold up under the bright light of fact or logic.  When opinions are repeated often enough they become fact.  Taxes kill jobs.  Unions harm non-union workers.  Environmental regulation results in factories being moved overseas.  Climate change science is questionable.  Health insurance costs outweigh its benefits.  Energy efficiency is not cost effective. 

Should We the People be able to reclaim the ship from these pirates it may be too late.  Jurgis did, after all, find meaningful work in the end, but the damage incurred during the journey was irreparable.  



  1. You are the type of person that is needed to pull off the "Thanksgiving Hiring Day" Global Telethon featuring corporate CEO's announcing 5 million hirings from the $2 trillion thay have stashed away. http://www.ronaldteejohnson.com

  2. Congress is NOT needed for "TH DAY" and corporations could get all the tax reform they want by coming forward with their stash. Everyone wins.

  3. Corporations have collectively stockpiled $2.5 trillion because they are unsure of consumer demand, regulations and corp taxes.

    Just 10% of the stockpile would hire 5 million at an average of $40K per job.

    GE Chair said on 60-Minutes that corporations don't have any civic duty to end the recession even though they could do it over night.

    How to get the protests centered in on each corporation hoarding $2.5 trillion?
