Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Milwaukee

It’s not Wall Street, but it’s Home

On Saturday, Mr. & Mrs. Underpants will put on their progressive big person underpants and join with the forces for good at Occupy Milwaukee.  We were born in Bob La Follette’s Wisconsin.  We are big fans of Russ.  We had friends and family who marched with Fr. Groppi.  We will be there.

During the past week, we had the opportunity to chat with many friends and family members; some were on board with the “occupy” movement – others were not quite so inclined toward protest and the P word*. (*Progressive)  Perhaps this helped us rekindle our active inner hippie selves and get OUT ‘the house.   Mr. Underpants has first hand knowledge of how this BigAss Bank, where we will gather on Saturday, makes it extremely hard for small business people to "Chase what Matters."  To follow is a small sample of the various points of view expressed when the topic turned to the occupy movement.   Enjoy.

Q:  Why would you want to spend time protesting? Isn’t it a waste of time?

A:  You, who stands in line for 4 hours before Megalo Mart opens on Black Friday to get yet another TV or made-in-China-high-lead-content toy is calling this a waste of time? Really? 

Q:  OMG you are going to be standing there for hours – how totally weird.   What do you do?

A:  Didn’t you just camp out overnight for concert tickets?  How totally weird is that.  I’d camp out to see Jerry, but he’s been hanging out in the Terrapin Station in the sky for awhile…

Q:  What are the demands? I mean, I haven’t seen talking point or anything; it’s rather disorganized, isn’t it?

A:  This is not a hostage situation. There are no demands.  This is Democracy, and it can be messy.  This is not a corporate meeting; there is no pre-printed agenda.  All are free to contribute, not just Senior VP's.  There are no spokes models or highly compensated PR people.  Use “The Google,” type in "Continental Congress" and read... 

Q:  Aren’t you too old to protest? This is just college kids, isn’t it?

A:  I beg your pardon.  No, no it’s not.  If you look back a few hundred years ago, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams and Paine all had a wee bit o’ gray.  One does not “out grow” a social and economic conscience.  Well some do; they are called Republicans. 

Q:  Oh, Saturday is my day to volunteer at the Food Pantry

A:  Good for you! You’re excused.  Well done.  The protest is its own way is trying to ensure that fewer people need that food pantry.

Q:  Isn’t there a Brewer Game Saturday?  That’s going to create a lot of traffic problems.  Why did they have to pick Saturday? 

A:  Traffic Problems?  Are you serious? THAT’S what you’re worried about?  You are one of “those people” that leave in the 4th quarter or 8th inning to avoid traffic, aren’t you?  You're one of those people who doesn't vote when it rains, aren't you?  Sorry Skippy, some things ARE more important than sports - this coming from a person whose vehicle's name is "Marcus Allen", can name the starting line up for the 1982 Milwaukee Brewers, and is glued to the TV during March Madness...and yes, in Wisconsin, land of St. Brett of Favre, I know this is blasphemy.  Deal with it.

Q:  This is all Obama’s fault - economy was fine before he took office.

A:  It’s PRESIDENT Obama, and it was most certainly not, and “The Banks,” “Wall Street” and the "Corporate Greed" of the one percent, are primary reasons the economy is still lagging and the housing crisis started.  While POTUS is very bright, he did not create credit default swaps and toxic asset trading; he was not the Duke of Deregulation.  Know your history...and by the least POTUS can spell derivative.

Q:  Well Rush Says….

A:  You can stop right there.


  1. LOL! Remember, only argue with rational people or you're just burning calories.

  2. On Saturday I Occupied Cincinnati, and have spent the past 48 hours explaining to some of my 1% friends that no, all the protesters are NOT college students or communists, that many of us have jobs or even small businesses, and some are even Republicans, or at least what used to be called Republicans. They ask what the protesters want, but are not really interested in hearing any facts that might conflict with their solid world view. When did we all get so lazy? Oh, and do not even get me started on the people leaving games early to beat traffic.
